About us

Hi!  We are the Smile Spreaders.  

Smile Spreaders is dedicated to bringing kids joy in the hospital, one smile package at a time! 

Smile Spreaders helps kids who are in the hospital to cheer up and be able to have some fun! 

Many of our members have had care from hospitals, and we always need something to cheer up, 

so we thought: why not make other kids happy in the hospital? We would have liked to get 

something like this when we were in the hospital! We make and provide smile packages (care 

packages) for kids who are well enough to enjoy them, but not well enough to leave the hospital 

yet. We fund the care packages from profits from sales and donations. We include books, 

games, toys, and other fun stuff for kids to do while they are recovering! Just a $10 donation 

could make one kid who is bored in the hospital SMILE!